10 reasons to create an e-shop on WordPress

10 reasons to create an e-shop on WordPress

Have you heard it too? WordPress is supposedly only good for a personal blog or, at most, a larger website. We can’t agree with this statement, we have built dozens of e-shops and everything works as it should. Most of the time it doesn’t matter which platform the e-shop will be on, but how the developers and developers handle the platform. Even WordPress (WP for short), which is in the right hands can playfully handle thousands of products and visits. Running your first e-shop on WordPress or redoing an already established e-shop on a professional level is a big step, the most widely used plugin WooCommerce (Woo for short) can handle both.

Table of Contents

1. The most used solution in the world

WooCommerce e-commerce solutions are used by 23% of the world’s 1 million largest CMS-powered e-commerce sites, the largest share of any e-commerce platform in the world. Both WordPress and the most used WooCommerce e-commerce plugin have regular updates, so you never have to move or change the system, and with a drag & drop system and easy administration you can manage your site content, promotions, pricing, products and the entire look and feel. What you can’t do yourself, we’ll provide.

Rozložení eCommerce technologií v top milionu webů

From the detailed breakdown we can then see the number of sites on which specific eCommerce technologies have been detected from the top million sites.

WooCommerce – 27,459
Shopify – 23 032
Wix – 7 791
Shoptet – 93

Globally, Woocommerce, which is an e-commerce solution from WordPress, reigns supreme in creating e-commerce solutions. And it’s not just on some e-shops, as it may sometimes seem. Sometimes you will also come across information that it’s because Woocommerce is free. But here we are talking about 1 million of the biggest e-shops in the world. It’s not about whether it’s free, but rather that it’s a quality, robust and comprehensive solution.

2. Interconnectivity with any system

Woocommerce is very well integrated with other features and plugins due to the number of active installations (currently over 5 million confirmed installations). As a start-up business owner with a small amount of finances, you can make do with the available plugins and snippets, which are in most cases free. For large e-shops, there are developers like us on the market, who deal with professional creation of e-shops and websites on WordPress. WPDistro will provide you with connections to external services, even specific services beyond the plugins available in the WP library.

By the fact that there is a really wide range of options to link with, Woocommerce becomes an ideal solution for clients targeting the international market. A multi-lingual e-commerce site is a total breeze for WordPress, bringing a wide range of options in every country.

3. Easy content management

WordPress has been proving that simplicity is power for years, and anyone who can use standard PC programs will not get lost in WordPress. And if he doesn’t know how to do something, he can find thousands of tutorials on the Internet, which are often in Czech language.

4. SEO

WordPress includes a number of search engine optimization tools and plugins to help you improve the visibility of your website and especially important products and events in search results. It also helps you to easily edit your social thumbnails.

proč stavět web na wordpress
RankMath SEO checks the basic known SEO rules for text

An example is the creation of the eTabak e-shop with approximately 1,400 products and a wholesale section. Connection to Money S3 and FIO bank with payment monitoring. And the best thing is that the e-shop is already in its second year of continuous growth and it was enough to set up technical SEO. The e-shop owner does not invest further in text SEO or linkbuilding. And you can see the result yourself.

Another example is e.g. an e-shop with clothes

There too, you see a twofold increase in visits from organic search. Here will be a description, but a little different.

  • the red lines at the very beginning show where the previous e-shop was organically
  • the red line with the increasing trend is an example of how organic search is growing
  • this e-shop has had some ads on since about 8.9. Which some say has no effect on organics.
  • the target group is B2C and there is huge competition
  • if this e-shop invests more in SEO optimization, it has the potential for great growth

5. Security

Behind WordPress is a company with more than 1500 employees and a huge and vibrant community of people who review the code of WordPress and its plugins and report security holes or suggest improvements to the developers.

WordPress has evolved a lot in its lifetime and has seen a lot of changes. That’s not the only reason why there are various improvements and practices to improve security today, such as changing the prefix in the database. Of course, plugins that ensure password security, keep an eye on the currency and content of files on the server have also proliferated over time.

If someone tells you that WordPress is insecure, they don’t know what they’re talking about. Thanks to open source, today we can already say that the WordPress core is a very secure system. What can be a threat are plugins, which for example are made by non-commercial companies. We could also point that out.

6. Compatibility with mobile devices

If best practices are followed, WP is very mobile friendly without much intervention. Even though we don’t recommend clients to use more graphic intensive web design (it often goes beyond UI and UX principles and discourages site visitors), WP can also display nicely on mobile devices with the help of code. Anyway, if the client has specific graphic design requirements, thanks to Elementor he can have the design he wants. It will adapt to the requirements of not only modern trends, but also the demands of UX and UI.

7. Prize for start-up projects

One very important item for most entrepreneurs and companies is price. CMS WordPress i
WooCommerce e-commerce plugin are free. So if you are just starting your business, you can have your website for almost free (you pay for hosting and domain for about 1,000 CZK per year, a personal project like a blog can be started for free with some compromises).

For more demanding projects, however, do not count on low prices, because WordPress as it is built, it must be updated about once a month (sometimes more often), including plugins, and thus the system must always be built according to the rules. This takes some work and if your supplier has to guarantee the plugins as well, the price can reach the same level as for an originally programmed solution (which in terms of development can never have as many advantages as WordPress).

With WordPress, you have the advantage of building the e-shop only once and you don’t have to rebuild it more than once. You can easily change and customize the graphics. But… and we are very careful about that. The e-shop must be built according to WordPress rules.

8. The choice for big solutions

WordPress is the best solution for large and extensive solutions. We have also written several articles about it. For large scale solutions you won’t find a better, more economical and customizable solution than WordPress. And that’s also why it’s used by big companies like Bata, BBC America, The New Yorker and others.

You’ll find solutions that are large-scale here too.

The K-sporting e-shop has around 40,000 products and with variants it’s even 100,000. There are not only pictures (of which there are already over 1 million), but also videos. Connection to the Pohoda system.

e-shop na míru

The multilingual catalogue system for ECG has only 500 products, but in 14 languages. Included are automatically generated PDFs, editing tens of thousands of parameters in a spreadsheet and then pouring the data into the e-shop.

9. Multilingualism

WordPress also offers plugins for multilingualism compatible with the Woocommerce e-commerce solution. Thanks to WPML (The WordPress Multilingual Plugin), you can translate your website into several languages and manage all languages in one place. It can work with many other content creation plugins and web builders.

10. Costs not only for administration

Managing and developing large web projects can be quite expensive, especially when the entire project is based on a very specific solution that is provided by only one company and no one else can see it. Not only for large projects there are several advantages:

  1. WP is very well known and has open source code and thus offers a competitive environment for developers. So they can’t just set an exorbitant price. In addition, the competitive environment forces developers as well as webmasters to work well, because the transition from one WP site to another is very easy.
  2. There are a huge number of ready-made plugins (often free) in the WordPress library and thanks to the popularity of this CMS, the internet is full of tutorials, snippets, unofficial plugins and educational webinars. Therefore, the developer does not have to invent everything from scratch, but will use ready-made solutions.
  3. A customized e-shop is also cheaper because it can build on a basic skeleton of plugins and short codes. Subsequent customized requirements are much easier to attribute to the structured WordPress code.
  4. That being said, administration is fairly straightforward, and even with more complex sites we try to simplify things enough for anyone in the company to make most standard changes at the client’s request. Thus, you are not financially or time dependent on the company that manages the site with frequent requests.

What WooCommerce offers

WooCommerce offers clear product and order management.

  • timed actions
  • coupons
  • warehouses
  • digital products
  • categories
  • product labels
  • linked products

Setting up emails regarding order and order processing, selecting from basic shipping options and shipping zone (country). Adds access rights at the customer level and therefore allows customers to register in your e-shop. Due to the popularity of Woo, it is a matter of course to connect with other plugins that provide, for example, invoices, wholesale prices for certain customers, delivery by specific carriers (Zásilkovna, DPD, PPL, WE|DO,…), connection to payment gateways, pixels and connection to networks.

e-shop na WordPress

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